Emotionally Heal with an Emotional Release Session

Everybody has emotions.  We are meant to have emotions.  Happy emotions, like love, joy, and peace have a higher vibration and they flow freely within and through us.  But negative emotions, like anger, hate, and jealousy, have a lower vibrational energy and do not flow as freely throughout our body.  And sometimes, rather than feeling an emotion and processing it and moving on….. we can get stuck in that emotion and think about it over and over again, and not let it go.  Some common emotions that we can get “stuck” in are grief, resentfulness/bitterness, anxiety, humiliation, and self-doubt.  We can’t seem to get our thoughts about those circumstances out of our head.  As such, those emotions can get trapped in our body. For instance, the emotion of the liver is anger and resentfulness.  So if we hold onto those emotions for too long, it can eventually damage our liver.  We can be holding on to trapped emotions from anytime in our past – five years ago, when we were a child, or even when we were in utero in our mother’s womb!  Think of it this way…when a woman is pregnant, her child shares her blood, her food, and even…..her emotions.  You may be carrying trapped emotions around in your body that were never even yours!  They can even be passed down from generation to generation. Each organ, tissue, and gland in our body has an emotion that is tied to it.

The Emotion Code Emotional Release technique, created by Dr. Bradley Nelson, helps us to identify those trapped emotions and allow them to be released, easily and painlessly.  While some people do not feel anything and have no after-effects, others may feel tired or emotional for a day or two following an emotional release session.

It’s easy to get on the path to emotional healing by releasing trapped emotions from our body, allowing us to function at a higher vibration, feel more energetic, and be more joyful.  Book a 30-minute session today.

gut issues

If you have a gut, it is most likely that you have gut or digestive issues of some kind.  Do you suffer from acid reflux, heartburn, indigestion, pain, belly bloat, gas, constipation, or diarrhea?  Or do you have headaches, joint aches, allergies, a compromised immune system, low energy, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, or difficulty regulating blood sugar or hormones?  If you can say yes to any of the above, it is likely your gut could benefit from some intestinal restoration.  Did you also know that there is a direct correlation between your gut and your brain….your gut and your thyroid….and your gut and your immune system?  Our modern diets of gluten, processed foods, and large amounts of processed dairy and refined sugars have wreaked havoc on our delicate mucosal linings along our digestive pathway.  Couple that with toxins, glyphosate, herbicides/insecticides, food additives, food colorings, artificial chemical-filled sweeteners, and all of the other non-food substances that we have ingested over the years, and our guts are in a tragic situation.  Once our gut lining (intestinal permeability) becomes compromised, then we are opening the door to all sorts of health complications down the road.

Hippocrates was a physician who lived about 2400 years ago, and he is considered to be the Father of Modern Medicine.  Through his study and experience with his patients, he determined and is known for his theory that “all disease begins in the gut”.  Our bodies are intelligent.  There are thousands of processes that happen in our bodies every single day that we have absolutely no idea what they even are.  We are constantly moving and changing internally as our body tries to maintain healthy homeostasis (balance).  But once the gut breaks down, our ability to absorb nutrients is greatly compromised.  And when that happens, we are not able to get nutrients and energy to the various parts of our body.  Over time, this lack of nutrients and energy causes organs and tissues to break down.  While the body tries very hard to maintain homeostasis as long as it can, there comes a point where there just is not enough energy left and eventually we start feeling symptoms.  We may have one symptom here or there, like joint aches.  Or difficulty sleeping.  But it could just be that we’re getting older, right?  That’s normal, right?  Just because something is “common” in our society does not mean that it is “normal”.  And we do not have to accept symptoms as just part of life.  Once you recognize a symptom of any kind in your body, that should be a warning sign to you that something is not functioning properly and we need to get that corrected and under control before more and more symptoms start popping up.gut issues

In my experience seeing clients, I would definitely agree that gut health is at the root of most, if not all, symptoms that we experience.  But what can we do about it?  I have seen really great results with a combination of products that help to aid in digestion, heal the gut lining, balance the microbiome, and correct elimination issues.  Couple that with dietary and lifestyle modifications, and at the very least, my clients are feeling better.  And at best, this is the first step in allowing additional healing to take place in their body to move them toward full health restoration.  Doesn’t that sound wonderful?!  It does require commitment, and it does take time for the body to heal, but it IS possible.  Schedule an initial consultation so we can determine all of the areas of concern in your body and get YOU on a program towards healing and feeling better.  You will never regret it.