Emotionally Heal with an Emotional Release Session

Emotionally Heal with an Emotional Release Session

Everybody has emotions.  We are meant to have emotions.  Happy emotions, like love, joy, and peace have a higher vibration and they flow freely within and through us.  But negative emotions, like anger, hate, and jealousy, have a lower vibrational energy and do not flow as freely throughout our body.  And sometimes, rather than feeling an emotion and processing it and moving on….. we can get stuck in that emotion and think about it over and over again, and not let it go.  Some common emotions that we can get “stuck” in are grief, resentfulness/bitterness, anxiety, humiliation, and self-doubt.  We can’t seem to get our thoughts about those circumstances out of our head.  As such, those emotions can get trapped in our body. For instance, the emotion of the liver is anger and resentfulness.  So if we hold onto those emotions for too long, it can eventually damage our liver.  We can be holding on to trapped emotions from anytime in our past – five years ago, when we were a child, or even when we were in utero in our mother’s womb!  Think of it this way…when a woman is pregnant, her child shares her blood, her food, and even…..her emotions.  You may be carrying trapped emotions around in your body that were never even yours!  They can even be passed down from generation to generation. Each organ, tissue, and gland in our body has an emotion that is tied to it.

The Emotion Code Emotional Release technique, created by Dr. Bradley Nelson, helps us to identify those trapped emotions and allow them to be released, easily and painlessly.  While some people do not feel anything and have no after-effects, others may feel tired or emotional for a day or two following an emotional release session.

It’s easy to get on the path to emotional healing by releasing trapped emotions from our body, allowing us to function at a higher vibration, feel more energetic, and be more joyful.  Book a 30-minute session today.